Want tenants who pay rent and take care of your home?
We help you find the right tenant in no time
Stable rental cash flow
Thorough tenant screening
For most landlords, the biggest concerns are whether the tenant will pay the rent regularly, keep the house neat and clean, and respect the lease terms.
A detailed background check (done right) is key to all of this but it can be a time-consuming and tiring process. Especially if renting is not your primary business.
We can find a tenant for you that ticks all the boxes. In fact, we will find several and help you choose the best fit. Each tenant undergoes a thorough background screening and only then we send them your way.

“4 years of full occupancy in row”
Avoid income loss
Every day the house is empty costs you dearly, especially if you have a mortgage on the house. That's why many landlords choose tenants under time pressure which can lead to wrong choices.
Some landlords complain about a high tenant turnover, which always leads to gaps between rentals. Not only does this cost you time but also money in the lost income.
We know how to fix all this. When you rent your home with us, we can guarantee you no vacancies and tenants who stay until the end of the lease. There are no surprises.

Always the right rental price
We protect your interest
How much should you rent the apartment for? If you put it too high, you risk losing good tenants, if you put it too low, you lose income.
Next to that, many landlords struggle with advertising and end up listing their properties in places that just don't work.
We have played this game too many times and learned how the market works. That's why your rental will always get a fair price that protects your interest. Rightly priced, we will take it online and do all the marketing work to rent it out in no time. You win all the competition.

“100% Law-compliant contracts”
Avoid hefty fines
Rental laws change fast and can be very tricky to understand. To make bad even worse, multiple legal bodies issue these laws including the government and municipalities.
For those failing to comply with any of the housing rules, lawsuits, and hefty fines are unavoidable. And these are no small fines, the amounts are serious and can throw one out of business easily.
Our in-house legal team starts every day by listing the latest law amendments. That's why we guarantee you a 100% law-compliant contract once you rent the apartment through us, for complete peace of mind.

Difficult tenants go somewhere else
Real worry-free rental
1 in 5 landlords end up dealing with problematic tenants. Extreme cases can leave you completely exhausted and drain all your life energy. It can be so bad that some owners decide to sell the house altogether.
There are also tenants who engage in illegal activities, refuse to pay rent, and damage your property. And on the surface, they look just like anyone else.
Our screening process includes both psychological methods and a detailed track record that leaves no stone unturned. Many tenants use us repeatedly so we already have a huge database of good tenants. That's how we can find a perfect fit for you, too.

3 easy steps to rent your house fast
Get started NOW
Here is how it works and what you can expect.

On the same path
Meet the founders
Our founders own houses in The Netherlands and abroad and have been generating stable rental income in the last 5 years without any major issues. That's why no one can help you better as we have been around long enough and know how to do this right. Take us as partners who work in your interest.
Here for you!
We are where you are. Reach us at the channel you are most comfortable with.